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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1 MenuTunes Feature New Normal Growl integration 07/24/2009 12:40 AM Actions
6 MenuTunes Bug New Normal MenuTunes crashes upon start on Snow Leopard (10.6.4) 07/07/2010 06:33 PM Actions
13 Philo Feature New Low Templating the creation of MultiViews? 08/17/2010 06:56 PM Actions
24 Philo Feature Feedback Low Asset management system 03/30/2011 07:09 PM Actions
27 Philo Bug Feedback Normal Handling form submission with Pages Stephen Burrows 01/31/2011 06:27 PM Actions
28 Philo Bug Feedback Low Potential problem freezing a complex person model 02/24/2011 05:40 PM Actions
66 Philo Bug New Normal Capitalization in "Add this tag" 02/24/2011 05:40 PM Actions
78 Philo Feature New Low Add support for instances as reversing arguments to Shipherd 05/31/2011 04:08 PM Actions
86 Philo Bug New Normal Navigation “is_active” method doesn’t return true for subpaths past a node. Stephen Burrows 07/20/2011 01:55 AM Actions
109 Philo Bug New Low Editing proxy models in admin creates log links to the proxy_for model 03/01/2011 05:54 PM Actions
121 Philo Feature New Normal Improvements to gilbert grids/edit mode 05/31/2011 04:08 PM Actions
122 Philo Bug New Normal Missing styles in Murano Harris Lapiroff 04/06/2011 07:54 PM Actions
134 Philo Bug New Normal entity_class_prepared should not provide any args. 05/10/2011 09:06 PM Actions
137 Philo Feature New Low IncludeStringNode should have a Constant* version 05/13/2011 04:51 PM Actions
138 Philo Bug New Normal Waldo redirection too clever in authentication cases. 05/16/2011 12:51 AM Actions
143 Philo Support New Low Potential alternative templatetag documentation method 05/20/2011 09:12 PM Actions
145 Philo Support New Low Default templates for contrib apps 09/30/2011 03:26 AM Actions
148 Philo Feature New Normal Prioritizing/filtering templates 06/27/2011 06:54 PM Actions
150 Philo Feature New Normal Embed variable helptext 07/20/2011 01:48 AM Actions
151 Philo Feature New Normal "View on site" for things like blog entries 06/07/2011 03:48 PM Actions
152 Philo Feature New Normal Content (like Blog entry) previews 06/07/2011 03:52 PM Actions
154 Philo Feature New Low 3rd-party app integration a la FeinCMS 06/08/2011 12:54 AM Actions
155 Philo Feature New Normal TemplateFields should behave like Templates 06/10/2011 05:57 PM Actions
157 Philo Support New Normal Code cleanup? 09/30/2011 03:26 AM Actions
159 Philo Bug New Normal Getting started tutorial does not mention template loader configuration 06/15/2011 01:38 PM Actions
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